Clients were able to experience a Land Navigation program led by Counselor Greg Vic. Using his previ-ous military experience, Greg spent time in the class-room teaching the clients how to use a compass, learn navigation points, how to read a map and make their own pace count beads.
Clients were also taught how to prepare for heading out onto the land, complete with their own pack sacks, maps, compasses, water, emergency supplies, pacing beads, radios, and bear spray. The in-class training portion was completed in the morning along with other staff members to ensure everyone’s safety.
In the afternoon, staff and clients gathered by the shore and started their journey with a short canoe ride across Blackwater Bay to a remote, densely wooded area. Once the group landed on the shore, they started their radio communication with staff member Jaron Ross located at the Centre, giving their land coordinates every half hour as an additional safety measure.
The excursion covered 7 km and the group exemplified what teamwork truly looks like while out in the beautiful fall wilderness. All the clients successfully used their skills to navigate various points, and everyone came back with a sense of accomplishment. Clients were excited to have learned useful new skills to help them navigate land in their own communities once they return home.